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MSU Course: Suicidal Behavior Across the Lifespan

Dr. Nadorff first offered his suicide class at Mississippi State University during the Summer 2014 semester.  We are offering the materials for the course, including the video lectures, free of charge.  Thus, please feel free to use any of these materials.  The tests that were used are available from Dr. Nadorff, but are not posted on the site due to test security concerns.  You may contact Dr. Nadorff to acquire the exams at

Undergraduate syllabus
Graduate syllabus


Lecture 1: Welcome to Suicidal Behavior Across the Lifespan
Lecture 2: Definitions of Suicide
Lecture 3: Suicide Theories
Lecture 4: Suicide Across the Lifespan
Lecture 5: Biological and Psychological Aspects of Suicide
Lecture 6: Suicide Attempts and Methods
Lecture 7: Current Physician Assisted Suicide Data
Lecture 12: Suicide Prevention
Lecture 13: Survivors and Lived Experience
Extra student-requested lecture: LGBT and Suicide


Aguirre 2010 Suicide Postvention as Suicide Prevention
Bailey 1999 Survivors of Suicide Do Grieve Differently
Baldessarini 2004 Genetics of Suicide - An Overview
Bergen 2011 How Do Methods of Non-Fatal Self-Harm Related to Eventual Suicide
Berman 2011 Estimating the Population of Survivors of Suicide
Callanan 2011 Gender and Suicide Method - Do Women Avoid Facial Disfiguration
Chan 2007 Deliberate self harm in older adults a review of the literature from 1995 to 2004
Cibis 2011 Preference of Lethal Methods is not the Only Cause for Higher Suicide Rates in Males
Fung 2011 A Systematic Review of Suicidal Behavior in Old Age
Glasgow 2011 Do Local Landmark Bridges Increase the Suicide Rate
Lapierre 2011 A Systematic Review of Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs
Levene 2011 Prevalence of depression in granted and refused requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide
Linehan 2008 Suicide Intervention Research - A Field in Desperate Need of Development
Linehan 2010 Assessing and Managing Risk in Suicidal Individuals
Mann 2005 Suicide Prevention Strategies - A Systematic Review
Silverman 2007 Rebuilding the Tower of Babel - A Revised Nomenclature for Suicide
van Heeringen 2011 Suicidal Brains - A Review of Functional and Structural Brain Studies
Van Orden 2010 The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide

Links to Video Lectures:

Lecture 1: Welcome to Suicidal Behavior Across the Lifespan
Lecture 2: Definitions of Suicide and Suicide Research
Lecture 3: Suicide Theories
Lecture 4: Suicidal Behavior Across the Lifespan
Lecture 5: Biological and Psychological Suicide Risk Factors
Lecture 6: Suicide Attempt Methods
Lecture 7: Physician Assisted Suicide
Lecture 8: Assessing Suicide Risk, Part 1
Lecture 9: Assessing Suicide Risk, Part 2
Lecture 10: The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality
Lecture 11: Suicide Safety Plans
Extra Lecture: Suicidal Behavior Among LGBT Youth
Lecture 12: Suicide Prevention
Lecture 13: Suicide Survivors and Lived Experience
Lecture 14: Suicide Survivors, Part 1
Lecture 15: Suicide Survivors, Part 2
Lecture 16: Lived Experience, Part 1
Lecture 17: Lived Experience, Part 2